1. Why do you want to be a beta tester?I want to be a Beta Tester caz i think it would b nice 4 me to pitch in and help discover bugs glitches/Game exploits within the game
2. How old are you? im 13 1/2
3. Do you know what the job of a beta tester is? yes to Find Glitches Bugs and game Exploits and other Game defects that shouldent be there
4. Do you understand that any fooling around during beta testing will not be tolerated? Of course as a man named spider man with great powers comes great responsibility
5. Do you understand that any breaking of rules will result in you being removed from your group and possibly banned? Yes i do Considering that you are givin trust to help with the game creation and the future of the games in are hands/ other user groups
Thank you for reading my App
Love FalconJAY