1. Why do you feel you should be apart
of the VIP's?
I feel i am VIP worthy because i am on the Top Posters list and i am in 3 usergroups. I've also been a VIP before.
2. Give us 3
good reasons why we should let you be in VIP.
One reason is because I've been in the VIP group before and. Another is because I'm in 3 usergroups. The last is because I help out this community alot.
3. Name ONE extraordinary thing that makes you stand
out over the rest.
That i made an ok successful forum yet being successful in others like EWW.
4. Are you
1337? Give us a reason to believe you are?
I am not because i have no clue what that is.
5. Will you go out of your way completely, to help
out a fellow VIP member?
Cerainly that's what good citizens do.