1. How long have you been a part of EWW's community.
Since July 3rd 09
2. What can you do to help EWW?
I can recruit, be a role model, and help others in need. Recruiting Increases Activity. Being a role model turns people to be good members. Helping others will give them an urge to help others.
3. What can you give assistants that nobody else can?
Loyalty, Activity, and Willingness. I show loyalty by helping others, staying active, and recruiting. Activity is good because it means that the forum is active and its a good forum. Willingness is to recruit people which makes this forum more active. It is also to be willing to step up to any position.
4. How old are you?
Currently 11
5. What do you think the job of an assistant is?
To assist others in need. To step up for members being bullied. To report rule breaking. To improve the forum in general.
6. Do you understand that breaking any rules results the removal of you from the group and you may possibly be banned?
Yes i do