1. Why do you want to be a clan manager?
So I can help EWW more and i like the color purple more then orange
2. Do you have any experience in clans? If so name them.
I've been in pawn tactics clans such as SIG, SVG, GWX, KFC, GOP, LOL, LSX, DTL, PRO, and many many for. I've been in LTG here,
3. What can you give clan managers that nobody else can?
I give activeness, loyalty, and willingness. Activity to help EWW seem more active, loyalty always helps, willingness to assist EWW in as many ways possible
4. How old are you?
Currently 11
5. What do you think the job of a Clan Manager entails?
To manage clan threads and moderate the clan section.
6. Do you understand breaking any rules means you will be removed from your group and possibly banned?