Hey everyone, it's Z.
Here are some suggestions to make EWW thrive once again:
1. Get a domain name. "epicworldwarrior.darkbb.com" looks unofficial and simply crappy. Its only ~$20 a year for one.
{ link } howabout "EpicWW.com" or "forums.EpicWW" so that we can put the game itself on the EpicWW.com homepage
2. Work on the fuckin game. post updates. If someone just says they're working on the game, We'll have no faith in it. remember the scribbles prototype? that was such a fail.
3. Tell us what to do. I'm sure there are lots of people here who WANT to work on the game, but don't know how. Whether its making textures, writing storylines, or creating algorithms, the game will be finished that much quicker.
4. make the game open-source. post the .fla, .as files, and any other resources. then anyone with AS3 knowledge can look it over and create improvements
5. get rid of the snow & santa hat. its a week after new years.
6. find a better host for the .swf . "swfcabin" isn't a long term solution, and isn't reliable. hence the error messages
7. are the images in the alpha game legal to be used? (copyrighted?) if not, the graphics team needs to make custom ones for the game. I'd suggest the graphics team
s CS4/CS5 so that they can design everything directly in flash. that'll make it a lot easier to animate and implement in the game
good luck!