1. Why do you want to be a clan manager?
I would like to become a CM because I love clans in general.
Helping out people in a job I love to do is always fun.
2. Do you have any experience in clans? If so name them.
Yes I do, I created a clan named RDH in another game.
We got to rank 7 overall and still going.
Ive been a member in many, many clans. But, there are to many to list.
3. What can you give clan managers that nobody else can?
My dedication and activeness. I wont stop until the job is done.
I have a job, but I have very few hours as of now. I can be on in a short notice if needed.
4. How old are you?
5. What do you think the job of a Clan Manager entails?
Help new clans in the beginning if they need help.
To be a role model for the other people in the community.
Another thing is to help people whenever they need it.
6. Do you understand breaking any rules means you will
be removed from your group and possibly banned?
Yes I do.