1. Why do you want to be a clan manager?
I would like to be a clan manger to help people with there clans, and keep the clan thread section clear of spam.
I would also like to be a clan manager because I think I need to get responsible and take charge of my actions, I believe this is a great way to start.
2. Do you have any experience in clans? If so name them.
I am in PDS in EWW right now TheProdigy's clan.
In pt im in WGS My clan I just created and already has 130 points.
I was a mod in HLR for a little.
I was admin for GWX.
I was mod in KFC.
I was offered mod spot in UZI ( Dont know if this counts for anything)
I was in TFS a while ago, just a member.
I was mod in AFI.
3. What can you give clan managers that nobody else can?
I believe i am good at managing forums, clan managers have to take care of clan threads so I think this would be a good job for me.
4. How old are you?
I'm 12.
5. What do you think the job of a Clan Manager entails?
I think my job as a clan manager would to be clean out clan threads that have spam, make sure all clan threads meet the requirements and Make sure that people are not posting anything inappropriate or offensive in clan threads
6. Do you understand breaking any rules means you will be removed from your group and possibly banned?