1. Why do you want to be a clan manager?
I want to be a clan manager because I love working with clans. I always find joy in things like clans or groups of that theme. I also want to be apart of organizing and approving/disapproving clan threads. I have very good organization skills which I think is partially key for a job like this.
2. Do you have any
experience in clans? If so name them.
I have owned many clans and been in so many. Clans that I have been in include: BHS (member), SVG (recruit), TFA (mod), XXX (mod), LOL (mod), XYZ (member), GOP (mod), GWX (mod), MVP (member).
Other clan experience that I have would include raising a clan for sniper aim, which did well and died once we abandoned it and the members became inactive. I also recently helped GWX revive 3-4 months ago. I was made admin... then mod... then I left because I was being judged by my k/d ratio.
3. What can you give clan
managers that nobody else can?
I can give clan managers very good organization skills, as well as much experience with things having to do with clans and also, I have experience with being moderator. I can give determination and confidence.
4. How old are you?
I am currently 16.
5. What
do you think the job of a Clan Manager entails?
I think the job of a clan manager entails for me to be very active. Being a clan manager means to check the clan section and organize it while posting daily. I will do as much as I can to keep the group active too.
6. Do you
understand breaking any rules means you will be removed from your group
and possibly banned?
I am completely committed to this site, and I will not break any rules.