1. Why do you want to be a clan manager?
I would like to be a clan manager because I feel I could hold more responsibility and hold up to my duty's. I would really like to help EWW more then I have already.
2. Do you have any experience in clans? If so name them.
We Got Swag- Leader of this clan, Clan of right now.
DTS- Im in this clan, or at least I Will be after reset.
GWX- I usta be a admin in this clan, I left.
KFC- Old mod back then.
PDS- Member in this EWW clan, I just apped for mod. Waiting for a reply.
3. What can you give clan managers that nobody else can?
I feel that I can help the CM's with my activity and how I can solve problems easily without having to get in fights.
4. How old are you?
Im 12.
5. What do you think the job of a Clan Manager entails?
I think my job as a cm is to clean out spam in threads, make sure they all reach the req, approve threads, Lock threads if they are continually spamming and make sure no body flames the EWW Clans section.
6. Do you understand breaking any rules means you will be removed from your group and possibly banned?